Tuesday 1 March 2022

Visit to UIC of Mohamed Rabie Khlie, ONCF Director General, Chairman of UIC Africa and UIC Vice-Chairman

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Mohamed Rabie Khlie, ONCF Director General, Chairman of UIC Africa and UIC Vice-Chairman, met with François Davenne at UIC headquarters in Paris on 23 February.

Messrs Rabie Khlie and Davenne discussed the prospective study on the strategy for railway development in Africa up to 2063 and its key components. The study focuses on cooperation to develop a prospective vision, as well as its various components, between now and 2063 to determine how the rail sector can contribute effectively to achieving the goals and aspirations set for 2063. Other areas of discussion included UIC Africa’s programme for 2022, the main elements of the UIC work programme 2020-2022, including the development of UIC as a technical platform to address members’ needs and work on innovative projects, and the development of bilateral cooperation between ONCF and UIC.

For more information on the activities of UIC Africa, please contact Maria Lafont, lafont at uic.org

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