The climate train
UIC is supporting the climate train to COP26 this year. The initiative from ProRail, Eurostar, NS and Youth for Sustainable Travel (YfST) provides a platform for “Rail to the COP”, a YfST campaign that promotes the transition towards a sustainable travel future. The campaign facilitates dialogue between the rail industry, climate activists, youth and policymakers, and encourages and supports other initiatives for sustainable travel to Amsterdam, Glasgow and COP26.
On board the train, there will be an exciting programme of events providing passengers with the opportunity to meet, learn and work.
Apply for a place on the train to Glasgow
Fixed numbers of tickets are reserved for various groups: rail industry representatives, institutional representatives (politicians, policymakers, etc.), researchers/academics/experts, NGO representatives and youth. The cost per ticket is 70-120 euro each way.
Please complete the form below to apply for a place on the climate train from Amsterdam via Rotterdam, Brussels and London to Glasgow.
Register your interest here: