Bernard Penners, Manager of the UIC Safety Unit chaired the meeting and welcomed all participants.
A candidate for the chairmanship of the SP was proposed to SP Members which was adopted. This decision should be endorsed by the UIC General Assembly members on 7 December 2018.
All chairpersons of the SP Working Groups presented their activities in 2018 and work
programmes for 2019. For more information visit
Among important decisions taken at the SP meeting:
- In line with the development of a just Safety Culture the Safety Platform decided to increase transparency of data in the UIC Safety Database.
- The traditional “confidential” report is issued this year for the last time. Next year the public report will also contain detailed data per country. This means that the SPG proposal is adopted.
- A new dashboard tool on the basis of the UIC Safety Database is being developed. It was presented by Olivier Georger, Manager of the UIC Safety Database, which greatly impressed the SP participants who stressed the remarkable work. The decision was taken to make this tool available to IMs, RUs and NSAs in Safety Platform member countries as well as the EU Agency for Railways (ERA). The economic aspects are being discussed and will be presented at the next SP Steering Group meeting on 27 March 2019 at UIC HQ.
UIC Safety report 2018:
B. Penners distributed the last draft flyer summarising volume 2 of the study “Towards a positive railway safety culture” that should be published early January 2019.
A study will be carried out from January 2019 on the incorporation of human factors in railway companies: “How can Human Factors be introduced and developed in my company?”
- An ad-hoc Group on “Human factors in automation projects” will be set up in which experts from the railways mentioned before shall be involved. The chairmanship is still to be defined.
Information will be given at the next platform meeting about the composition, chair, objectives of the ad hoc group.
Members were invited to take an active part in the European Level Crossing Forum (ELCF) WG, it was reiterated that the WG meets physically at least twice a year and is mainly composed of European countries but interested parties outside of Europe could also join the meetings either physically or via web conferences. Please contact fonverne at
The Chairman will retire from July 2019. A call for candidates to take over the chairmanship will be sent to Members. Should you be interested please contact us.
SP Members (EU + Russia, Japan) then had the opportunity to present safety events and innovations in their respective countries and companies.
UIC also gave an overview of global activities:
Debrief of ILCAD 2018 campaign and ILCAD 2019 More information on the last campaign and the debriefing meeting on 9 October at FFE, Spain
Special issue on level crossings:
IRSC 2018 Dublin (October 2018) A presentation was given by B. Penners and C. Neveu on “Safety Culture” and by I. Fonverne on “Level crossings worldwide”. UIC had an exhibition corner.
More information
Finally, Meryem Belhaj presented the work carried out by the UIMC:
Safety Platform meetings in 2019:
- 27 March 2019: Steering Group meeting at UIC HQ in Paris
- 26 June 2019: Steering Group meeting at DB AG in Berlin
- 5-6 November 2019: Steering Group meeting (5/11) and Plenary meeting (6/11) at UIC HQ in Paris