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The 2nd UIC TopRail Forum, jointly organised by UIC and FS (Ferrovie de lo Stato Italiane) entitled “The attractiveness of Rail Tourism” will be held in Naples on 17 May with a technical visit to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Pompeii on 18 May.
TopRail is a project of UIC dedicated to the field of Rail Tourism at international level. The approach is very broad encompassing different areas: train-cruises, panoramic trains, railway heritage, etc.
After several years of workshops and internal meetings, the TopRail member group has decided to open its activity to the public and get in touch with the rest of the stakeholders interested in the business opportunities derived from rail tourism. That is why in 2018 the first TopRail Forum took place in Barcelona. After the success of the first TopRail Forum, UIC is organising the second edition in collaboration with Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane to be held in a very special place, Pietrarsa (Naples), the headquarters of Fundazione FS.
TopRail Forum was created with the aim of establishing itself as the international event of reference for Railway Tourism in its broadest sense. The business vision will be very present and is intended to be the meeting point of all the actors involved: from the railway industry (operators, manufacturers) and the tourism industry (tour operators, wholesalers) to international, national and regional policy makers, to the final customer.
In this second edition, the programme will consist of a single intense day of morning and afternoon sessions, complemented by a visit on Saturday to Pompeii.
Tourism is an inherent activity of the railway of the future, necessarily linked to its image and the customer experience. Rail tourism is intimately linked to sustainable tourism, regional development and the preservation of heritage, which will be the topics to be discussed in the three panels of the Forum.
The attendees will learn about the latest news in this special type of tourism at global level from the handful of representatives from different parts of the world. The event will feature presentations from operators, tour operators and institutions at the highest level willing to share ideas about the future of the different tourism experiences linked to the railway through three round tables. Likewise, there will be appropriate moments to encourage networking among the participants.