TER4RAIL (Transversal Exploratory Research Activities for Railway) is a Shift2Rail funded project led by EURNEX in collaboration with UIC, UNIFE, the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, New Opera, and the Spanish Railway Foundation.
The main goal of this two-year project is to serve as a source of data, roadmaps and arguments supporting the rail sector. TER4RAIL’s ambition is to play a major role in the evolution of the railways.
TER4RAIL considers railways as the backbone of future European mobility, as stated in the rail sector’s European Railway Research Advisory Council’s (ERRAC) Rail 2050 Vision published in December 2017, and therefore, it is necessary that TER4RAIL raises arguments that can sustain this essential system. To this end, data analysis and statistical reporting are foreseen and conducted.
In this context, TER4RAIL partners have the pleasure to invite railway and other mobility experts to a one-day meeting in London to work on several topics related to the future of European infrastructure. As TER4RAIL partners deliver their preliminary results, they are keen on sharing them widely and to get external expert feedback.
One of the highlights of this event will be the speech of Mr Richard Harris, Director Real ITS Global. He will give a brief introduction on the key challenges in the mobility system such as air quality problems, new mobility ecosystems, data as the driver of services and policy aspects. Richard is internationally recognised as a leading expert in ITS.
Moreover, using the “World Café’ method, several questions will be raised, such as:
- How can the system be upscaled without major investments?
- Should railways prioritise increasing the urban and sub-urban transport network or the quality of the inter-city network?
- How can one work towards a personalised, seamless and connected mobility system for freight or public transport? or
- What will the evolution of the transportation sector be for the 30 years to come?
Event venue: Newcastle University - 102 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7EZ, UK (4-minute walk from the Liverpool Street Station)
Sign in to London Summit TER4RAIL: https://mailchi.mp/d2a439b10b91/london_summit
This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail JU under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under Grant Agreement 826055.