Tuesday 5 May 2020

Practitioners’ conference on damage management for freight wagons to be held on 17 September 2020 in Basel

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The Wagon Users SG is the common professional platform where otherwise competing RUs cooperate on technical, operational and legal issues of mutual interest to facilitate the use of wagons.

Some of its tasks are to develop a working relationship with other stakeholders and associations and to observe the market and serving as a platform for sharing best practice.

In this context, we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Claims Settlement Day.

The Claims Settlement Day will take place in Basel on 17 September 2020.

The symposium is aimed at committed practitioners from the claims management of freight wagons of European railways, wagon keepers and workshops. The aim is to achieve a common view on “best practice” in dealing with damaged freight wagons.

Best practice are cross-company processes which are legally compliant and efficient, and which do not lead to any uncertainties in action. What do these processes look like in concrete terms, for example when dealing with GCU minor damage (< 850 EUR)?

The Basel Claims Settlement Day will help answer these and other practical questions. Top-class speakers will provide insights into new developments in GCU, ECM and the digitalisation of damage reports. Participants will be able to participate in the development of "best practice" processes and expand their personal network. Conference language is German, the organiser is BahnVerstand GmbH, Olten.

The conference fee is CHF 500, for early bookers CHF 400. For information on content, organisation and registration procedures, please see the attached conference flyer.

For more information, please contact Eric Guenther:

guenther at uic.org

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