Tuesday 29 October 2019

Meeting of BIRC Working Group (Security – Border crossing, International Railway Corridors) held on 24 – 25 October 2019

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The working group (WG) Security – Border crossing, International Railway Corridors (Security-BIRC) was created in Warsaw on 18 – 19 February 2013 within the UIC security platform. The aim of the WG is to study the issues related to railway cargo and passenger transport at border crossings across the Eurasian space in order to improve safety and security.

This working group is composed of three subgroups:

  • 1st subgroup: “Security-International Freight Corridor” Coordinated by CCTT: Coordination Council for Trans-Siberian Transportation
  • 2nd subgroup: “Security-International Passenger Corridor” Coordinated by FPC: Federal Passenger Company
  • 3rd subgroup: “Security-Borders Crossing” Coordinated by SOK: Railway Security Guard

A leaflet has been recently issued by the members of the WG on security of the railway border crossings. This leaflet can be consulted at https://uic.org/IMG/pdf/2019_uic_birc_security_of_border_crossing.pdf

Under the chair Włodzimierz Ternawski (PKP PLK S. A.) over 30 participants deliberated inter alia about the upcoming two leaflets concerning 1) security international freight transport within the East-West corridor and 2) passenger transport within the East-West corridor.

As a permanent member, representatives from Frontex – the European Border and Coast Guard Agency joined this meeting and gave a very engaging presentation about their operational response and international cooperation in light of a stronger Frontex mandate.

The second WG meeting day was dedicated to the technical meeting of the subgroups “Security-International Freight Corridor” and “Security-International Passenger Corridor”.

Regarding security international freight transport led by CCTT, the main topic discussed was the organisation of the test transport of goods by container trains between China and Europe using electronic navigation and control gauges to ensure the integrity of goods.

Concerning the “Security-International Passenger Corridor” a first draft of the leaflet issued by FPC was discussed. At this stage input of other members of the group are needed and the UIC Security division will coordinate the collection of the contributions. The objective is to publish the leaflet in 2020.

The next Security – BIRC plenary meeting is planned for April 2020 and the WG remains open to UIC members.

If you are interested in participating or for further information, please contact Marie-Hélène Bonneau, Head of the UIC Security Division:

bonneau at uic.org

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