4th Asset Management Global Conference

17 to 19 April 2019 - UIC - Paris

Choose the best track for your assets.
The Asset Management Working Group of the International Union of Railways (UIC) will organize its fourth international Conference dedicated to Asset management in Paris at UIC Headquarters, from 17 to 19 April 2019.


  • Not all fields are mandatory. Example: the attendee’s photo is not required.
  • To make a bank transfer in the payment panel, please click on the link to “Other means of payment”.
  • All prices are VAT included.
Fees include:
  • all conference sessions on 17 and 18/04/19;
  • the technical visit on 19/04/19;
  • lunches on 17 and 18/04/19;
  • dinner at the Musée du Vin on 17/04/19.

Conference purpose:

  • Offer opportunities for international and multi-sector networking with actors from South-East Asia, Middle-West, Eastern Europe and Western-Europe working in various fields like Infrastructure, Industry and Energy;
  • Based on the UIC guideline, provide Asset Managers with concrete examples and guidance to improve their capabilities;
  • Explore the latest developments, knowledge and experience across the Asset Management World.

Among the potential subjects, UIC plans to address the following topics:

  • Strategic Asset Management Plan;
  • Relation between asset managers and suppliers;
  • Big data for Asset Management;
  • Software assisted modeling of investment plans;
  • Asset Management for signaling.

The conference will be held over a three-day period:

  • Day 1 and 2: keynote speakers, case study presentations and discussions to provide Railway Infrastructure Organizations with concrete examples and guidance to improve their Asset Management capabilities;
  • Day 3 (optional): technical field visit.

Draft Programme

AMGC 2019 Draft Programme

UIC is pleased to invite you and your representatives to attend the conference.

Practical information

How to get to UIC

Selection of hotels in Paris


Ms. Christine Hassoun - UIC Rail System Department
hassoun at uic.org

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Thursday 22 November 2018