25 March, Morning session
09:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Vision for innovation panel session
- Jean-Michel Evanghelou, UIC Head of Telecom & Signaling: Presentation of the main telecom challenges (Future Railway Mobile Communication System FRMCS)
- Martin Brennan, European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC): Overview of UIC Research projects
- Francis Bédel, UIC Chief Digital Officer: Digital developments of the UIC Digital Platform; presentation of DIGIM project, clear station, promotion of the first UIC global Intelligent Digital Rail conference which will take place on 3-5 June in Brussels in partnership with Infrabel (Belgian Infrastructure manager)
- Sean Schofield, Senior Advisor Innovation, VIA Rail: presentation of the Ottawa station POC
- Maryam Allahyar, Director, Research & Development, FRA
- Representative from Research Team at FRA: transportation of hazardous materials
- Kari Gonzales, CFO, Transportation Technology Center
Working Lunch Break
25 March, Afternoon session
2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4th UIC Regional Assembly for North America
Opening welcome by officials
Opening remarks by Mr. Yves Desjardins-Siciliano, President & Chief Executive Officer of VIA Rail, Chairman of the UIC North America Region (15 min)
Opening speech of Mr. Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC, International union of railways (15 min)
- Addressing the challenges in creating a coherent community of cooperation amongst the major North American players
- Gathering the community of seven current Members
- Welcoming observers (among them APTA, Universities, etc.)
- Highlighting Actions that will sustain the North American community in the coming years (Vision)
- Presenting François Davenne, UIC Deputy Director General
Member Presentations:
- AAR (20 min)
- Amtrak (20 min)
- ARTF (20 mn) – by FRA
- CHSRA (20 min)
- FRA (20 min)
- RAC (20 min)
- VIA Rail (20 min)
Next steps, work plan, conclusions
26 March & 27 March
The AAR has confirmed that all UIC North America participants will be allowed to register for the 24th Annual AAR Research Review meeting and pay the FRA rate and covers all meals and events for the two days of meetings on 26 and 27 March.
The first day (26 March) all meetings are held at the same hotel, Cheyenne Mountain Resort, and the second day is the trip to the TTC center in Pueblo, Colorado.