The World Congress on Rail Training 2017 is organized at the initiative of the UIC Expertise Development Platform, which draws its expertise from the regional Rail Training Centres Networks. Its main purpose is to enhance workforce development through sharing best practice in rail training across the entire industry.
The key congress aims are:
- To promote excellence in railway training through best practice models
- To highlight research findings in this area which bring innovation and have practical application to the industry
- To identify new challenges for training and training technologies
- To provide a unique opportunity to share knowledge and experience amongst training professionals and managers
The Congress is targeted at:
- Human Resources and Training Directors
- Training executives
- Training and workforce development experts
To be considered, all abstracts must:
- Not exceed 500 words.
- State on which of the topics (listed below) you are entering your paper.
- You should clearly state the name, company, job title, and the e-mail address at which we can contact you, for each author named in the proposal.
- You must set out the following elements:
- The scope of the subject,
- The issues being addressed,
- Objectives or proposed outcome,
- Abstracts can be submitted in one of the 3 UIC official languages (EN, FR, ALL) in MS Word, using the electronic form. It is however recommended that an English version is also sent.
- Abstracts that seek to market a particular product or service will not be accepted. There will, however, be an exhibition at which products and services can be promoted.
- Abstracts accepted will be presented during the Congress and must be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation in PowerPoint 2007 or later version. A full paper must also be prepared.
- Congress delegates will receive a memory stick with the papers/slides as part of their conference pack. The abstracts will be published on the Congress website before the event.
- Abstracts will be peer reviewed by the International Steering Committee who will select the papers for presentation at the Congress. The selection will be based on the following criteria:
- How the submissions meet the purpose of the Congress and address the theme and topics
- The originality of the paper
- New ideas incorporated.
- The committee will also try to get a fair geographical balance among the papers.
Themes and topics
- International & national co-operation between the industry & education sectors
- National organisation of training
- How standards are applied
- Lessons learnt
- How do you attract the new generation to the railway sector through collaboration with colleges and universities
- Replacement of the ageing workforce
- Sustainability of knowledge management – transfer of railway knowledge to the new generation
- Talent Development
- Digitalised railway and the impact on job role and skill requirements
- (New) learning technologies & multimodal learning (including social media)
- Software applications (standard or in-company specific) which may be used to help on training needs assessment, simulation training, competencies development and evaluation, training management, etc
- Training Needs Analysis
- Training design
- Trainers (training, certification, development)
- Testing/Examination/Assessment/Certification
- Transfer of learning to the workplace
- Training evaluation and return on investment
- Safety risk culture (personnel & customer safety/railway safety)
- Security skills for intervention & prevention (suicide, terrorism, anti-social behaviour)
- Human factors and training
- Management and leadership development
- Customer service / Customer orientation
- New challenges, such as cross-cultural, inter-generational
Abstract submission