7th Training on Commuter and Regional Train Services

29 – 31 October, Copenhagen

“An inspiring worldwide travel to the future of commuter and regional train services”

The UIC Passenger Department is eager and delighted to be holding the seventh Training on Commuter and Regional Train Services, in person, in Copenhagen hosted by DSB.

The training will focus on leveraging emerging technologies to improve operations and customer experience in Commuter and Regional Rail services.


  • Offer an accurate and comprehensive overview of Commuter and Regional Train Systems all around the world and the latest challenges these services face in relation to the new passenger behaviour;
  • Provide trainees with all the information needed to facilitate decision-making on the subject of Commuter and Regional Train Systems;
  • Give a global vision of Commuter and Regional Train Services on the system regarding the evolutionary scenario with a customer-centric approach;
  • Foster exchange of experience and information about the latest developments in this field.

Target groups

The training is targeted at:

  • Managers in decision-making positions in the transport sector in general and in the railways in particular;
  • Ministries, local or regional authorities, advisory bodies or agencies;
  • Universities or associations ;
  • The experience tells us that it is also very convenient for young employees in railway companies to give them a worldwide vision of the sector and creating their international network.

Conditions for participation

  • The course is targeted at people interested in acquiring a comprehensive overview of the commuter and regional train systems
  • Course participants do not need to have prior knowledge of any specific subject relating to commuter and regional train systems
  • Therefore, we wish to make attendance mandatory for ALL sessions
  • Every participant will receive a certificate.


Bella Sky Conference & Event
Martha Christensens Vej 10 - Entrance 3
2300 Copenhagen S


The main topics to be addressed during the training will be as follows:

  • Legal framework: trends, challenges and impact to the railway sector
  • Technology for the rail companies (predictive maintenance, IoT, AR)
  • Dynamic Session: “Anticipating the Future of Train Travel: Expectations and Beyond”
  • Technology to improve on board experience (solutions to enhance the value of travel time)
  • Technology to improve pre-post train journey experience (ticketing, maas, station)

The programme includes: Lectures and a dynamic design thinking session. This is a great opportunity to improve competences and enlarge international networking.

Detailed programme:

More speakers to be confirmed in the coming weeks.

Day 1. 29 October (from 09:00 to 17:00)


  • Flemming Jensen , CEO, DSB
  • Federica Follesa, Chair, UIC CRTS
  • Bertrand Minary, Director, Passenger Department, UIC

Session 1: Trends and Changes and impact to the railway sector

AI in rail: adoption and trends

  • Leo Melnikov, Partner & Core Member of Digital & Analytic, McKinsey, France

Current and future EU legal framework which may have impact on CRTS

  • Jan Vávra, Passenger Transport Expert, CIT, Switzerland

Economic framework

  • Andrea Giuricin, CEO, TRA consulting, Italy

Session 2: Technologies for the rail company

AI against antisocial behavior on board and at stations

  • Oriol Juncadella, Director of Operations, FGC, Spain

Innovative Security technologies for rail

  • Bruno De Rosa, Senior Advisor UIC

Predictive Maintenance

  • Philippe De Laharpe, R&D Project Manager for Telediagnosis and Artificial Intelligence at SNCF Voyageurs, France

Virtual Traffic Control for Optimisation of Regional and Commuter Services Operations

  • Constanza Villalobos, Director of Commercial Management EFE, Chile

Beam Me Up, AI: Teleporting Into Rail’s New Era

  • Joaquin Botella, Chief Technical Engineer Railways, Sener

Day 2. 30 October (from 09:00 to 17:30)

Session 3: Dynamic Session

Design Thinking Activity in cooperation with EELISA and Accenture
Dynamic session, organised by EELISA_HEAR Community and Accenture, to discuss:
"Travel by train in the next future: expectation".

Session 4: Technology to improve on board experience

Technologies for trains: Rolling stock current state of the art and future challenges

  • Marco Sacchi, Senior Director, Global Platforms & Innovation - Rolling Stock, Hitachi

Dynamic ticketing for an advance relation with Customers

  • Fabiano Ferra, Senior Manager for Accenture Marketing Operations, Accenture

Technologies for valuing travel time: because your travel time is worth it

The enhancement of five senses on board

  • Vanessa Perez Miranda, Senior Advisor, Passenger Department UIC

Solutions to Enhance the Tourism Potential of Regional and Commuter Trains

  • Carlos Romero, Associate Professor of Railways, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Japanese on board and station services

  • Masahiro Swayanagi, JR-East, Japan

Technology to improve autonomous travel for people with disability (app board support and development - disability card

  • Federica Follesa, Regional Contract Management Manager, Trenitalia, Italy


Day 3. 31 October (from 09:00 to 17:30)

Session 5: Technology to improve pre-post train journey experience

How the flow counting can contribute to the overall experience in stations. The Monaco use case

  • Fabrice Morenon, Managing Director of SNCF Hubs & Connexions

Check in and out app, Kermit case

  • Julie Rømer and Johan Rindmar, App Managers, DSB

Multimodal Ticketing IT solutions: Planning, Booking, Fulfillment and Inspection

  • David Sarfatti, Senior Advisor UIC

Modernisation and Integration of Payment Methods and loyalty programmes

  • Constanza Villalobos, Director of Commercial Management EFE, Chile

Open Discussion

12:30 -13:00 Final Session - Conclusions

Conclusions - Delivery of CRTS Training Certificates - Closing

  • Federica Follesa, Chair, UIC CRTS
  • Vanessa Perez Miranda, Senior Advisor, Passenger Department UIC


Bertrand Minary
UIC Passenger Director

Bertrand Minary is Passenger Director and coordinator for Latin America and Middle East Regions at the UIC (International Union of Railways). He has a wealth of experience in a wide range of entities in the railway sector, especially at SNCF Group during 20 years, where he held the position of Industry & Innovation Director for Rail Logistics Europe, the 2nd rail freight player in Europe.
Between 2021 and 2024, he
headed the Railenium technological research institute, which drives innovation for the French rail industry, in support of ecological transition and competitiveness.
His trends always were railway system approach, railway operations, customer and market, Supply Chain, innovation and digital.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertrand-minary/

Frederica Follesa
Regional Contract Management Manager - Regional Business Management and Intermodal Development at Trenitalia S.p.A.

In Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - then Trenitalia - since 1998, she is head of PSO (Public Service Obligation)’s contracts, Fares, Terms and Conditions for the Regional Business and Intermodality development Department. She has been involved in many international activities within the UIC and UITP Associations. Currently she is Chairwoman for the Commuter and Regional Train Services group in UIC and member of Urban, Suburban, Regional Railways Committee in UITP.
From 2008 to 2011 she was professor of Transport at the University Sapienza in Rome.
Graduated in Architecture (Urban and regional planning), she studied in the University Sapienza in Rome, the Oxford Brooks University (UK) and the Savaria Urbanisztikai Nyari Egyetem (HU). Then she took the 1st master on Regional Public Transport by Politecnico di Milano and ISFORT and then a master in Economics and Politics of Transport at the University Sapienza in Rome.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/federica-follesa-05877a254/|

Jan Vávra
Passenger Transport Expert, CIT

After his master studies in the Czech Republic (Masaryk University) and Denmark (Copenhagen’s University), Jan Vávra has gained his competences in passenger transportation within his 12-year service at Czech Railways where he was responsible primarily for international conditions of carriage, commercial relations between carriers and for different ticketing issues. Between 2016 and 2019 he was also chairing the East-West Steering Committee at UIC.
Since 2020 Jan Vávra works for the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) in Bern as an expert in rail passenger transportation (ticketing issues and after-sales matters related to the PRR).

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-v%C3%A1vra-b3757111a/|

Andrea Giuricin
CEO TRA consulting, Senior advisor for Investment funds, Senior Consult. World Bank, Transport economist at CESISP-UNIMIB

Adj. Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuricin is CEO of TRA consulting, a strategic consultancy company based in Barcelona and Milan with international customers from Europe, Middle East, Asia, America working with the top management (CEO and President) in the strategic and operational decisions.
He created the “studies office” for the CEO of Italo-NTV, the first private high speed rail company in open access competition and he worked in the first HSR markets open to the competition (Italy, South Korea, Spain and France) as strategic and operational consultant for the CEOs and top managers of the railway companies. He is working with several other projects in the rail industry, including rail freight operators and infrastructure managers.
He is senior transport consultant for the World Bank, reforming transport sector in Asia and Africa and for the United Nations. In the last years he was speaker at the International Transport Forum of the OECD.


Magnus Just Hansen
Director of International Affairs, DSB

Magnus represents the Danish passenger railway operator DSB in different working groups in the Community of European Railways and Infrastructure companies (CER), in the International Union of Railways (UIC) and in the TAP TSI Services Governance Association (TSGA). Furthermore, Magnus has been appointed as the Danish National Contact Point (NCP) for the Telematic Application of Passengers (TAP-TSI).
Completed a master’s in political science from the University of Copenhagen in 2010. After the graduation in 2010 Magnus have worked in the Danish Ministry of Transport and in The Danish Road Directorate. In February 2015 Magnus joined DSB.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/magnus-just-hansen-299649/|

Philippe de Laharpe
R&D Projects for Remote Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence, SNCF

Promoting innovative services for maintenance & operations at SNCF Voyageurs and working on AI applications around railways rolling stock.

Generalist Engineer with specialising in Signal and Information Processing, I have also been working in various SNCF maintenance centres and more than 10 years at SNCF’s Test Agency for Rolling Stock.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philippe-de-laharpe-51437085/

Oriol Juncadella-Fortuni
FGC Operation Director

Oriol Juncadella-Fortuni is a Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (class of 1988) and Graduated from IESE in Business Management (Class of 1996), and in Crowd Management from the Tokyo Metro Training School (class of 2018).
Between 1988 and 1990 he was assistant director of the Office of the General Plan of Sabadell City Council, for the development of the mobility plan, the road plan and the economic program.
Since 2011 he has been Director of FGC Operadora. Previously, at Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, he was Director of Operations (2000-2011), Coordinator of the General Technical Secretary (1999-2000), Head of Studies and Programmes (1996-1999), Head of Commercial Development (1993-1996) and Deputy Head of Planning (1990-1993).
Currently he is the representative of FGC in different committees, commissions and various initiatives of the Administration and civil society related to mobility, security, intermodality and accessibility, in its management aspect and with a high content of innovation.
He chairs the Mobility, Transport and Logistics Committee of the College of Civil Engineers in Catalonia.

He is a member of the following international committees:

  • UITP Regional and Suburban Railways Committee
  • Committee on Commuter and Regional Rail Services of the UIC
  • ALAMYS Steering Committee

He is a member of the following permanent working groups:

  • Observatory of Civic Behaviour in Rail Transport, which coordinates, with representation from all operators of railway and tram systems in Spain
  • Working Group of Experts on Railway Operations, coordinated with the collaboration of the Spanish Railways Foundation
  • ATUC Accessibility Working Group
  • MoU UITP-International Trade Federation Coordination Group


  • Lecturer of the "General Land Transport Course" of the Spanish Railways Foundation, in the module "Operation of regional lines"
  • Coordinating lecturer of the subject "Technical Exploitation of Railway Infrastructures" of the "Master in Railway Systems and Electric Traction" of the UPC
  • Lecturer of the "Master of Planning and Management of Mobility" of the UPC
  • Lecturer of Commuter and Regional train services Training at UIC

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oriol-juncadella-i-fortuny-b7828b22/|

Bruno De Rosa
Senior Security Advisor

Bruno De Rosa is a Senior Security Advisor at UIC Security Division, seconded by FS Security S.p.A. (FS Italiane Group). With a background in law, he specialized in intelligence and in homeland security. He started his career as a researcher in geopolitics, and he achieved relevant experience in open-source intelligence monitoring and analysis for reputational due diligence and risk management. Within the FS Italiane Group (RFI S.p.A., Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A., FS Security S.p.A.) he matured a wide-ranging experience in corporate security, field-level security operations, protection of critical infrastructures, security policing and training. As a senior security advisor at UIC from 2023, he has been coordinating the activities of the UIC Working Group on New Technologies and working on EU-funded research projects in the domains of cybersecurity, serious crimes and terrorism.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/br1derosa/|

Michela Cuozzo
Digital Marketing Consultant at Accenture

Digital marketing consultant in Accenture Song. Alongside her career in marketing - started in 2016 - she deepened her expertise in social media strategy, working for a wide range of industries, including Travel & Transportation and Public Administration sectors. She collaborates with Trenitalia Regionale to support the brand’s social media project, by supervising brand reputation monitoring and assuring the correct functioning of social care technologies. Graduated in Economy, she then took a master in Marketing Management at LUISS Business School in Rome and a course in International Marketing and Logistics at ESSCA School of Management in Budapest.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michela-cuozzo-73b543106/ |

Fabiano Ferra
Marketing Operations - Senior Manager at Accenture

Fabiano Ferra is a Senior Manager for Accenture Marketing Operations organisation in Italy.
Fabiano’s professional experience has developed in Accenture since 2004 mainly in the Automotive, Travel & Transportation and Public Administration sectors, throughout his career, he has worked with several clients, with extensive experience in business transformation, including operating model change, business process transformation, and large-scale technology implementation.
In the last 10 years he has held various positions in ambitious programs in the Digital Marketing field, with a focus on Digital Sales, Social Media, Content and Campaign management, Performance and Conversion Rate Optimization.
In 2019 he started to work with Trenitalia Regionale for the design and management of the Social channels strategy and the Social Care service implementation.
He earned his degree in Computer Science from the Università degli Studi di Salerno.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabianoferra/ |

Carlos Romero
Assistant Professor Technical University of Madrid

Carlos Romero is Lecturer in Railway Engineering at the Department of Transport Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning at Technical University of Madrid (UPM), after having completed his PhD on Transportation Engineering in 2022.
His main research line focuses on the service quality and the effects of ICT on the behavior of public transport passengers, with a special interest in urban and suburban rail. He was recognized with the 2021 Young Researcher Award of the Spanish Transport Engineering Forum, the leading transportation association in Spanish academia. He has also worked for the Spanish Metropolitan Mobility Observatory after graduating in Civil Engineering at UPM.
He is also part of the HEAR community of the European University initiative EELISA – European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosromerom/

Masahiro Sawayanagi
Deputy Director of the JR East Paris Office

He is a member of

  • Expert of Fuel cell vehicles(IEC/TC 9)
  • Expert of cybersecurity(IEC/TC 9)
  • Expert of RQMS(ISO/TC 269)
  • Board member of IRQBHis background is energy design. Currently involved in the overall business of JR East.
    His favourite word is "how to connect between railway technology and railway services".

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/masahiro-sawayanagi-mr-37134729b/|

Joaquin Botella
Chief Technical Engineer – Railways, SENER

Joaquin Botella is a seasoned professional with over 37 years of distinguished experience as a Project Director. Renowned for his expertise in High Speed and conventional Railway projects, Urban Transport, and a myriad of other endeavors, Joaquin has left an indelible mark in the field.

Throughout his career, Joaquin has served as a pivotal force in the successful planning, design, and implementation of High-Speed Railway Lines, Conventional Railways, Metro Systems, and Light Rail Transportation Systems across more than twenty countries worldwide. His comprehensive knowledge spans critical domains, including planning, alignment, superstructure, railway systems, rolling stock, and operation and maintenance.

Currently representing SENER at both national and international levels, Joaquin is a key figure in Professional Encounters and Congresses, contributing significantly to the global discourse on railway infrastructure. He has played an integral role in the drafting of several handbooks related to high-speed lines, with notable involvement in the UIC’s Technical Committee of Intercities and High Speed, where he actively shaped the Handbook for the Implementation of High-Speed Lines.

As a Member of MAFEX’s Innovation Committee and the UIC Regional and Commuter Train Service Committee (CRTS) since 2018, Joaquin has been instrumental in preparing handbooks on Commuter and Regional Rail Services for international application. His latest achievement involves collaboration with the UIC Customer Experience management platform, culminating in the creation of the "Customer Experience by Rail: State of the Art and Best Practices with a Vision 2030 Case Study" handbook.

Joaquin’s dedication extends to academic and professional forums, with active participation in the Association of Civil Engineers of Spain, including roles within the Transport Commission and contributions to various publications. His commitment to knowledge dissemination has seen him invited by the UIC to lecture at their High-Speed Training programs and as a trainer at various UIC CRTS trainings.


  • Agustín de Betancourt Award to the Best Canary Islands Public Work Project 2007-2010:
    Lines 1 and 2 Tenerife Light Rail Transit System (as Project Director and Lead Designer)
  • SENER’S Innovation Award 2008: Aerodynamic Effects Influence in High Speed Railway Lines (crosswinds, tunnels, flying ballast)
  • SENER´S Innovation Award 2016 - Final Selection, R&D Development: CAPEX and OPEX Optimization. Greenfield implementation of a new railway Passenger line.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joaquinbotella/|

David Sarfatti
UIC Passenger Department, Senior Advisor

David Sarfatti graduated in 1998 with a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from the University of Caen, France and in Applied Statistics from the University of Joensuu, Finland.
After a career as IT software developer and Project Manager in the French Railway, he held a director position at Avancial Paris, one of SNCF IT Branch.

Since 2012, he is Chairman of the UIC working group for Rail Passenger Ticketing and participate in the development of new barcodes and international rail paperless ticket standards. Mr Sarfatti expertise is in the field of IT systems for Rail tickets distribution and seats reservation inventories. In 2019, he joined UIC Passenger Department as Senior Advisor.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dsarfatti/

Johan Aleksander Rindmar
App Manager, DSB

Johan serves as a Product Owner at DSB (Danish State Railways) in one of the frontend developer teams for the DSB App. He transitioned to this role after joining DSB in 2022 as a Sales Channel Manager, where he managed different business development initiatives. Prior to DSB, Johan enhanced digital customer experiences at BAT by managing e-commerce technical implementations and previously directed technical marketing strategies for the Danish market at IMI Hydronic Engineering. He obtained his Master of Technology degree from Aalto University’s School of Engineering, specialising in mechanical engineering.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johanrindmar/

Julie Seung Hee Rømer
Leadership, strategy, partnerships & innovation, DSB

Julie has specialised in shared mobility, combination travels and commercial and partnership development during the last 3,5 years working for DSB. Julie started her career with DSB Digital Labs as a Product Owner for the Kørmit product that then scaled and got taken into the main commercial department 1,5 years ago. Since then, she has worked towards anchoring the learnings from Kørmit into the FMLM (first and last mile) strategy for DSB and now working on how to scale shared mobility services across DSB stations to create even more combination travels. Prior to joining DSB, Julie has worked in the GovTech space bridging between governments and startups, and created entrepreneurship programs at DTU-UC Berkeley, ITU (UN) and others.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julieseungheeroemer/

Fabrice Morenon, PhD
Managing Director of SNCF Hubs & Connexions (Subsidiary of SNCF Group)
French foreign trade advisor Chair of the sector “Station Managers Global group” (SMGG) at
International Union of Railways (UIC)

Fabrice MORENON, Managing Director of SNCF Hubs & Connexions, subsidiary of SNCF Group (state owned company), is in charge of the international development of stations. SNCF Hubs & Connexions develops all the expertise linked to transports hubs, from financing, conception, exploitation to the optimisation of the retail and real estate development revenues. He holds a PhD in Economics (2003), a Master’s Degree in Business Law from the Sorbonne University (1996) and graduated from Sciences Po Paris (1996).

His career path brought him to be a tutor for local councilors, a technical advisor and a Chief of Staff for Ile-de-France Regional Council, and finally a political adviser to the Minister in charge of the relations with the Parliament (2007-2009) under Nicolas Sarkozy presidency. Fabrice MORENON joined SNCF in 2009 as Director of Institutional Relations, especially for Ile[1]de-France and Greater Paris. In 2012, he became Director of Public Affairs and International Development at SNCF Gares & Connexions, branch part of SNCF Group in charge of the 3,000 French stations and which intervenes on the international scene by developing the expertise linked to the conception, the exploitation and
the development of stations. Within this scope, Fabrice MORENON initiated twinning between Railway Stations: Paris Austerlitz Station/ Shanghai South Station (2015) / Seoul Station / Paris Lyon Station (2016) London Saint Pancras / Bordeaux Saint Jean (2019).
As the Managing Director of SNCF Hubs & Connexions, Fabrice MORENON aims at managing and operating railways station internationally. Hubs&Connexions operates the concession of the Monaco Monte-Carlo Station (10-year concession) with 8 million passengers per year. He also targets to accompany worldwide transports hubs operators to optimize the management of the station through digital and integrated facility management solutions and to maximize the economic potential of commercial areas in the station.

Fabrice MORENON is Chevalier (Knight) of the French National Order of Merit (2016). He has been appointed French foreign trade advisor by decree from French Prime Minister since July 2021 and named Chairman of the sector “Station Managers Global group” (SMGG) at International Union of Railways (UIC) since February 2020.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabrice-morenon-8757805b/

Vanessa Pérez Miranda
UIC Passenger Department Senior Advisor

Vanessa Pérez Miranda is a lawyer specialised in international business with a master’s in international tourism by the Pantheon Sorbonne University. She has more than 15 years of experience in managing projects focused on innovation and internationalisation mainly in the railway sector.

Responsible for customer service and quality of tourism trains of the Spanish Railways for four years, she became a senior expert on tourism by rail. Now she is in charge of UIC TopRail , whose aim is to enhance the visibility of tourism opportunities for railways.

She is also responsible for the UIC sector dedicated to Commuter and Regional Train services and coordinator of the UIC groups of railway experts on Customer Experience and Accessibility, also run by the UIC Passenger Department.

During the Covid-19 pandemic 2020-2022 she has been part of the UIC Covid-19 Task Force Core Team as UIC contact link with the Railway Community and assumed a similar role in the coordination of the UIC Refugee Task Force in 2022.

She has been also involved in different European Projects like the Erasmus+ Projects RailtoLand and Tour&Rail and the Multimodal H2020 SESAR Projects Modus and MultiModX. She is Senior Advisor for the UIC Latin-American Region since 2019.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessaperezmiranda/|


  • Registration fee is 1000 euros. (20 % discount for UIC Members)
  • Fee includes all training sessions, full working documents, lunches, and a social dinner.
  • Fee does not include Hotel accommodation and dinners.



UIC contact: Vanessa Pérez Miranda perez@uic.org

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Wednesday 20 March 2024