RABAT call for action on an African Railway Green Deal for sustainable mobility will be presented in the lead-up to and at COP 26 in November 2021
Official Opening
Mr Mohamed Rabie Khlie, President of the UIC African Region
Mr François Davenne, UIC DG
Panel 1 - Sustainable mobility at the heart of international and regional challenges
Moderator: Thierry Béra, UIC CFO & African Region Coordinator
– Initiatives and projects developed by UIC
Speaker : Lucie Anderton, UIC, Sustainable Development Unit Manager
– Rail Transport and Urbanisation In Africa: Prospects and challenges
Speaker : Debashish Bhattacharjee, UN-Habitat, Regional Office for Africa
– Connecting African railways: challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Placide Badji, Infrastructure and Energy Department, African Union
Q&A Session
13h - 13h50
Panel 2 – Railway politics for better conciliation between mobility, environment, and climate change
Moderator : Lucie Anderton, UIC, Sustainable Development Unit Manager
– Sydney Trains Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Strategy
Speaker: Mr Rod Barber, Director Environment, Safety, Environment, Quality & Risk, Sydney Trains, Australia
– Sustainability Initiatives in Irish Rail
Speaker: Mrs Heidi Hopper Duffy, RU Environmental Officer, Iarnród Éireann, Ireland
– Korail’s Sustainability management to connect People, World, Future
Speaker: Mr Charlie Yoon, KORAIL, South Korea
– Sustainable energy policy at SNCF Voyageurs
Speaker: Mrs Carole Escolan, SNCF
Q&A Session
Panel 3 - Finance innovative modes and mechanisms at the low-carbone mobility service in Africa
Moderator: Thierry Béra, UIC CFO & African Region Coordinator
– African Bank of Development
– Agence Française de Développement - AFD
– Rail Financing for Green Transport
Speaker: Martha B. Lawrence, Leader of Railway Solutions, World Bank Group
Q&A Session
Said Chandid, UIC Representative in the Regional Bureau Office in Rabat
Key speakers official opening
Mr Mohamed Rabie Khlie, President of the UIC African Region
Mr François Davenne, UIC DG

Moderators of the Webinar
Mr Thierry Bera, CFO & UIC African Region Coordinator
Mrs Lucie Anderton, UIC, Sustainable Development Unit Manager
Said Chandid, UIC Representative in the Regional Bureau Office in Rabat
African Bank of Development

Mr Placide Badji, Infrastructure and Energy Department, African Union
Mrs Lucie Anderton, UIC, Sustainable Development Unit Manager
Mrs Martha Lawrence, Leader of Railway Solutions, & Mrs Nancy L. Vandycke
World Bank Group
African Union
African Development Bank
Mr Rod Barber, Director Environment, Safety, Environment, Quality & Risk
Sydney Trains, Australia
Mrs Heidi Hopper Duffy, RU Environmental Officer, Iarnród Éireann, Ireland
Mr Charlie Yoon, KORAIL, South Korea
Mrs Carole Escolan, SNCF

English & French
UIC: Maria Lafont, lafont at uic.org