EU-Rail project IAM4RAIL Mid-Term Conference

26 November 2024 in Paris


8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and Networking
Attendees arrive, register and network over coffee.

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Welcome

  • Introduction to the event and its objectives.
  • Acknowledgment of participants.

9:15 AM – 9:45 AM: Opening Speech

  • Opening speech by Program officer (EU RAIL) - Project Manager (HITACHI) - Project Coordinator (ADIF)
  • Q&A session

9:45 AM – 10:30 AM: Overview of FP3-IAM4Rail Project Progress by SC leader (ADIF) and TMT leader (ADIF)

  • Presentation on the progress made in the project since its beginning.
  • Presentation of research findings and technical developments from different Clusters
  • Alignment with System Pillar
  • Future directions and goals.

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Coffee Break

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM: Technical Sessions

Panel Discussion 1: Cost-Effective Asset Management with Digital Technologies

Discussion Points:

  • Integration of digital technologies in asset management
  • Role of data analytics in predictive maintenance
  • Challenges and opportunities in implementing a harmonised European asset management framework

11:45 AM – 12:30 PM

Discussion Points:

Discussion on challenges and advancements in rolling stock asset management

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Networking Lunch + Project Demonstrations and Poster Session

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM:

Panel Discussion 3 : "Environmentally Friendly Asset Production & maintenance support technologies"

Discussion Points:

Discussion on optimising design solutions and worker-friendly interventions

2:45 PM - 3:30 PM:

Panel Discussion 4: "Future Trends in Railway Infrastructure Management"

  • Panel of experts discussing emerging trends, challenges and opportunities in railway infrastructure management.
  • Discussion led by a moderator with audience participation.

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Coffee Break

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Roundtable Discussion: "Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement"

  • Roundtable discussion on the importance of collaboration and stakeholder engagement in research projects.
  • Sharing best practices and experiences from the FP3-IAM4Rail project.
  • Identifying strategies for promoting collaboration and engagement in the future.

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM: Closing Remarks by Project Coordinator (ADIF)

  • Summary of the day’s highlights.
  • Thank you to participants, sponsors and organisers.
  • Announcement of any upcoming events and/or milestones.


For further information please contact Christine Hassoun at

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