Gender Equality in Rail

7 July - 10.00-11.30 CET Paris Time

Join our launching event and learn more about the new UIC initiative.

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UIC is proud to invite you to join us at the launching event of ‘TRAIN 2B EQUAL’ - Change Making for Gender Equality in the Rail Sector.

To support railcompanies in improving the experience of women as rail passengers and employees, the UIC has kicked off the “TRAIN 2B EQUAL” project, which brings together members to share best practices, promoting peer-to-peer learning on the topic and to collectively raise the level of ambition and implementation.The first public event will introduce the project and, a panel discussion on the gender data gap in transport and address the challenges associated to its collection and analysis leading to the implementation of better rail services for women.

Draft agenda:

10:00 Introduction and Welcome remarks – Francois Davenne,Director General of UIC
10:10 Presentation of TRAIN 2B EQUAL – change making for gender equality for rail:

  • UIC team: Sustainability, Security and Talent
  • Opt-in Members: FS Italiane, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC)

10:40 Keynote presentation: “Bridging the gender data gap in mobility” – TUMI/ GIZ

10:50 Presentations and Panel discussion: “Challenges imposed by the gender data gap and how to address them

  • UIC Statistics
  • ITF
  • UITP
  • International Transport workers Federation

11:20 Q&A

11:30 Closing of event


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Friday 23 June 2023