The main questions to be tackled during this workshop are:
- How can railway industry and cultural and heritage bodies better coordinate their efforts and competencies in order to foster product branding as well as territorial attractiveness and tourism development?
- What are the tools that can be used to create quality and valuable experiences for the potential customers in their tourism journeys by rail?
- How can digitalization help to add value on the landscape and to improve customer’s experience?
- The rail plays a significant role in developing a destination’s attractiveness and acts as a catalyst for territory branding. Not only it possesses natural, historical and patrimonial value, but also contributes to the development of local communities, including jobs creation, improved living standards and cultural exchange opportunities.
While strengthening cooperation among the key stakeholders in the fields of rail industry, tourism and culture, the event compares the best practices in the tourism rail sector all around the world.
Online, 26 October afternoon (14:00-17:30)
14:00-14:15 Welcome speech
- Carles Casas Esplugas, Director of Strategic & Prospective Planning, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, FGC
14:15 - 14:45 UIC TopRail Photo Contest Awards
14:45 - 15:00 RailtoLand EU Project
- Dr Clara Zamorano, Professor of Railways, Civil Engineering School, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Dr Ana Berrocal, Professor of Regional Planning, Civil Engineering School, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
15:00 - 15:30 Customer Experience and Perception
- How can we make the train inviting for tourism?
- Mark van Hagen, Senior Customer Experience Consultant ComIT, NS
- The rail tourist experience and perception
- Simone Morgani, Responsable du Programme Expérience & Cognition, SNCF
15:30 - 15:45 Comfort Break
15:45 - 17:15 Landscape as a resource for railway tourism
- Rail Tourism in Iran
- Ali Abdollahi, Head of International Organizations Group International Affairs Department, Iranian Railways
- Trains as a tour guide for Russian landscapes (discover the country from the train window)
- Denis Davydov, Head of the Division for the Development of Tourism, Passenger Department, RZD
- Cruise train trips: Trans-Siberian Railway by «Imperial Russia» train
- Olga Nikulina, Leading expert of the project “Imperial Russia”, RZD Tour
- The role of modern and heritage rail as part of sustainable tourism in the modern destination marketing strategy
- Jaap Nieweg, President of Fedecrail
- Rail Tourism Cooperation in Cornwall
- Mael Garrec, Transport Officer Cornwall County Council
- Round Table: Landscape as a resource for railway tourism
- Moderated by Nacima Baron, Université Gustave Eiffel, ENPC
17:15 - 17:30 Conclusions
If you are interested in attending this workshop, please fill in the following form:
In coordination with RailtoLand and topRail and co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union