Sustainable mobility for a Sustainable Africa: The role of Rail in an African Green Deal

28 September 2021

VisioConference 28 September, 2021, 6pm – 8pm GMT+3/EAT

UNFCCC Africa Climate Week 2021, Uganda

UIC is organizing a Round Table within the program of the UNFCCC Africa Climate Week, Uganda.

Coordinated and moderated by UIC Africa, representatives from the African Union (AUC-IEC), UNFCCC High level champions, UN Habitat, UITP with African transport authorities and operators will share their thoughts in a lively webinar with panel discussion format.

Event objectives:

  • Promote Rail and public transport as the greenest form of High volume transport and it’s ability to help transform cities
  • Promote the work of the African members activities to drive sustainability and connectivity in African Cities

Launching the UIC Africa sustainability manifesto – At the event, UIC Africa will launch its new sustainability manifesto for the African region. The manifesto unites UIC Africa members under a common commitment and call for action to bolster the development of African railways and support sustainable mobility in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). UIC African region commitment: carbon neutrality of African railway by 2050.


ACW2021 - UIC

- PDF - 8.3 Mb



Moderator: Lucie Anderton, UIC, Head of SD Unit

1. Welcome Speech - 20’

  • Mr Mohamed Rabie Khlie, Chairman UIC Africa, UIC Vice-Chairman
  • Mr Francois Davenne, UIC Director General
Mohamed Rabie Khlie
Mohamed Rabie Khlie
François Davenne
François Davenne

2. Keynote speech - 15’
Atef Marzouk, AUC, Director AUC-IEC

3. Panel presentations and discussion: The importance of rail and public transport for a sustainable Africa - 50’

  • UN HAbitat - Sustainable Urbanisation and Rail transport in Africa
    Speaker: Rahab Mundara, UN Habitat
  • UITP - Role of Public transport for a sustainable Africa
  • Railway as a driver of territorial sustainability: The experience of Bolloré Railways
    Speaker, Eric Melet, CEO of Bolloré Railways
  • ITDP - The Institute of Transportation and Development Policy
    Speaker: Gashaw Aberra
Eric Melet
Eric Melet

4. Video - The African Railway Green Deal for Sustainable Mobility - 5’

5. UIC Africa Regional Office – presentation of the Africa Sustainability Pledge and Ten initiatives of the African Rail networks for a better involvement in the UIC commitment: carbon neutrality of African railway by 2050 - 15’

6.Closing remarks - 15’


For more information about the ACW :


Registration is open to all types of stakeholders and free of charge.




Maria Lafont,

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Tuesday 7 September 2021