TEDP Dissemination Webinar TrainRail Hackathon

8 April 2021, live webinar

How can railways be resilient in the face of pandemics?

From 1 to 2.45 PM
Live Webinar

As part of a series of attractiveness measure targeted at universities and railway undertakings, the UIC is launching its first global Rail Hackathon. This Hackathon offers to participants and rail enthusiasts the opportunity to imagine the future and develop solutions for railway operators to better face pandemic situations. The solutions sought can be applied in the various sectors of activity of these companies. The hackathon will include various themes and activities, such as: training, customer service on board trains and in stations, maintenance workshops, management of suspicious cases, communication and information, etc.

Regional “competitions” will be held in Autumn 2021, beginning 2022 (according to regions) with a final contest at the international level in May 2022, in the frame of the World Congress about Rail Training, Talent and Development (WCRT https://wcrt.uic.org).

Purpose of the dissemination webinar is to give further information about the hackathon, including the “train the trainers” on-line sessions which will be held in September and October 2021 .


Railway undertakings, rail training & academic centres, research institutes, start ups


  • 1:00 - 1:05
    Start of webinar
  • 1:05 - 1:15
    Welcome and introduction to the webinar
  • 1:15 - 1:30
    Cooperation between academia and railway industry: TrainRail project
  • 1:30 - 1:50
    TrainRail Hackathon 2021-2022
    General concept
    National/Regional contests and international final contest
  • 1:50 - 2:10
    Presentation of the “Train the trainers” online sessions
    How to run a hackathon (on & off line), 23rd September 2021
    Train the trainers training session “Engineering Design”, 21st October 2021
  • 2:10 - 2:25
    The word from the regional hosts
  • 2:25 - 2:45
    Q/A session
  • 2:45
    End of webinar



- PDF - 577.2 kb






Nathalie Amirault: amirault@uic.org

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Thursday 11 March 2021