Train Driver Communication Conference

6 March 2025, UIC Headquarters


The Translate4Rail project successfully delivered a prototype and tested the concept of using predefined messages to establish effective communication between train drivers and traffic controllers. This concept was successfully tested in cross-border operations between Italy and Austria in 2021.

Following the project, UIC continued to support its members in overcoming language barriers. Despite limited resources, we worked closely with our members to test and enhance the tool further.

Now, three years after the conclusion of the Translate4Rail project, we are excited to share the achievements of this initiative and explore the question What challenges remain in implementing language tools for seamless rail communication across Europe?


13:30 – 14:00 Coffee and Welcoming

14:00 – 14:10 Introduction/Opening
Moderator: Paul Hodgson (CFL Cargo)

14:10 – 14:40 Current Landscape of Language Tools: Where Do We Stand Today?

14:10 – 14:12

14:12 – 14:20
Introduction on Language Programme
Juraj Maliaček (RNE)

14:20 – 14:30
Language tools and on-going pilots
Parinaz Bazeghi (UIC)

UIC-RNE publication: IRS Pre Defined Messages
Parinaz Bazeghi (UIC)

14:30 – 14:40
Translate4Rail tool and potential roadmap
UIC/RNE & Synvance

14:40 – 15:10 Key Milestones after Translate4Rail: Achievements of the Last Two Years
Driver Perspective, Signaller Perspective
Annik Jeiziner (SBB Cargo International), Riccardo IONCOLI (RFI)

15:10 – 15:30 Progress Update on Pilot Interreg T4RAIL-IT-SI: Key Insights and Next Steps
Simona GARBUGLIA (RFI)/ Silva Kristan (SZI) and T4RAIL IT-SI Project consortium

15:30 – 15:45 Break

15:45 – 16:30 Panel discussion: From Regulation to Implementation: Insights on Safety and Follow-Ups: A Panel Discussion
Estelle BACCONNIER (DG MOVE), Marcel de Haye (CER), Frédéric HENON (UIC), Juraj Maliaček (RNE), Roland Rieder (BLS Cargo, Moderator).

16:40 – 17:00 Conclusion
Frédéric HENON



For further information, please contact Parinaz Bazeghi at bazeghi at

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Monday 6 January 2025