UIC R&I TALKS ONLINE WEBINAR SERIES "Trends impact on rail capabilities (Trend Map 2024)" - Infuture.Institute

29 FEBRUARY 9H-11H, Online

UIC has the pleasure of inviting you to an online webinar regarding the "Trends impact on rail capabilities (Trend Map 2024)" on 29 February 2024 from 9 am to 11 am.

During this webinar, Natalia Hatalska [1], CEO of infuture.institute [2], will discuss the most significant trends from the latest Trends Map [3] 2024. She will explore their potential impact on the future and development of railways. This session will also serve as an introduction to the planned 2024 analysis of the impact of trends on the capabilities of railways in regions such as Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. The analysis will consist of a study conducted by infuture.institute in collaboration with representatives from the UIC (International Union of Railways) and experts invited by the UIC. The culmination of this process will be a document highlighting the unexplored trend opportunities for future railway planning and railway capabilities. At the end of the presentation, there will be a Q&A session for participants to engage directly with the speaker.

The event will be held in English.


For more information, please contact Artur Fojud, UIC Head of Research & Innovation at mailto:fojud@uic.org

[1Natalia Hatalska - CEO and founder of infuture.institute – a forecasting institute. One of the most influential and recognized experts in the field of analysis, forecasting, and research of trends in relations between the market, brand, technology, and consumer. Financial Times placed her on the New Europe 100 list - "central and eastern Europe’s brightest and best citizens who are changing the region’s societies, politics or business environments and displaying fresh approaches to prevailing problems". She has been recognized as one of the 50 most influential women in Poland and was awarded in the "Who listens to Polish business?" ranking as one of the top 10 authorities of Polish business. Has been granted twice the title of Digital Shaper for her contribution to the development of the digital economy in Poland. Honoured on the Insight250 list provided by Esomar in 2022 - consisting of individuals from the academic, enterprise, agency, technology, consulting, and media realms that are focused on elevating and enhancing market research, enterprise intelligence, and data-driven marketing.

[2Infuture.Institute is a forecasting institute that defines key trends, describes them and indicates the consequences for the economy, market categories or specific brands. The institute was established by Natalia Hatalska, one of the most influential and recognised experts in the field of analysing, forecasting and researching trends in market-brand-technology-consumer relations. The institute monitors and analyses all factors, especially technological and social ones, which can trigger fundamental changes in specific categories.

[3Trend Map is a comprehensive tool for strategic and operational work developed by infuture.institute. It graphically shows the most significant changes in the business environment in four time perspectives, allowing you to identify uncertainties and potential development directions, and thus better prepare for current and future challenges. The Trend Map is composed of megatrends and the trends assigned to them. Trends are placed in four time perspectives: now-new-next-beyond.

The Trend Map is a signpost, a tool that in a world of uncertainty shows what to pay attention to, what to prepare for, but also what to change. For this reason, it is primarily useful in strategic planning, building a competitive advantage and building resilience.

The Trend Map is intended for all organizations that are looking for answers not only to the question: what will the future be like?, but also: how can we prepare for this future? and how can we change it? It is intended for organizations that are looking for proven, data-based information regarding risks and uncertainties. It is intended for organizations that are interested in the dynamics of changes taking place in the world and the relationships between them. Finally, for those organizations that look at their development in a long-term and strategic way. At the operational level, the Trend Map is especially useful in the departments of strategy, innovation, research and development.

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Friday 9 February 2024