November, 29 – December, 2, 2016
MIIT University, Moscow, Russia.
Obraztsova street, 9, b. 9.
General context
In many countries commuter regional trains carry the largest part of rail passenger traffic.
There are many topics concerning technical, financial, organization issues which are of common interest for many rail companies, and there are many spheres where sharing best international practices can be useful and results might be adapted to specific national commuter regional rail systems:
- General approach to organization of commuter regional rail systems;
- Commuter, Intercity and Urban Trains and their role in social and economic development (different businesses and different focus groups: e.g. airport services, suburban – urban daily job migration, intercity regular routes etc.);
- Features of organization of rail passenger business with regard to relations with regional and local communities;
- Financial issues: business or social services? Tariffs and rates– optimal solutions for public administration, rail companies, customers. Liberalization, competition or public fixed tariffs;
- Custom focused services (in-train services, e-technology, station services & customer oriented scheduling);
- Organization issues: better business identification (Pro and cons of different organization forms - within national company, subsidiary, or independent company. Relations with infrastructure owner and national or other railways);
- Operation issues: interaction with freight and long range passenger traffic;
- Technical issues: new trains and e-technology in ticketing, marketing, distribution;
- Training issues: identification of specific topics for training and HRM;
- Efficiency issues: “coopetition” with other modes of transport;
- Environmental issues – sustainable development;
- Transport coordination issues: interaction within the cities, passenger transfer hubs;
- Specific issues of social cooperation and assistance to persons with restricted mobility.
Thus relevant experiences can be shared within that specific event dedicated to the professional in-depth discussion of a wide range of issues regarding commuter passenger traffic in the interregional context, as international experience is of great value.
Most important objectives of this Training session are to:
- Provide a rather comprehensive overview of organization of commuter regional systems in different regions;
- Discuss possible variants necessary for decision-making in different context and for different objectives;
- Benchmark best practices from all around the world;
- Lay basis for further professional contacts and networking.
Target groups
- staff of UIC members from APRA-countries + UIC European member countries
- Focus departments: passenger business units, station and ticketing departments, departments responsible for customer- and local communities’ relations, financial and rail operations’ departments, staff responsible for assistance to persons with restricted mobility.
Conditions for participation
- Following the experience of 2015 UIC training session in MIIT the training session will be a platform for interregional discussion;
- One representative of a UIC APRA member is provided with travel and accommodation costs (please fill in the desired dates and flights numbers in registration form);
- Travel expenses, accommodation and catering other than training lunches, for the second and following participants from APRA region and any participants from other UIC regions are not included, while the attendance of the training session itself will be free of charge for any representative of staff from the UIC member companies in Asia Pacific and European Region.
- The speakers will represent UIC HQ, experts from European and Asian railways, academia.
- Participants are asked to briefly present their relevant national practices as well.
Technical visits (TBD)
- Commuter section of railway station;
- Moscow ring rail route and relevant multimode hub.
- The training session will be held in English.
- All the presentations will be available on the website of UIC, as soon as they will be given.
- WIFI access will be provided to the participants during the session.
Main general program
- breakfast in the MIIT hotel is served from 8-00,
- session starts at 9-30,
- afternoon session lasts till 17-00.
November, 28
Arrival of participants, accommodation
DAY 1. November, 29
09.30-09.45 Welcome and Introductions
09.45-10.45 Module 1. Main principles of Commuter and Regional Train Systems CRTS around the world. UIC activities.
10.45-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-13.30 Module 2. Intermodality and multimodality.
Intermodality from a theoretical point of view
Intermodality from a practical point of view
Terminal business approach, city hubs as intermodality points
13.30- 14.30 Lunch
14.30-18.00 Module 3. Technical aspects of CRTS
Infrastructure + Operations
Rolling Stock
15.45-16.15 Coffee Break
16.15-18.00 Module 3. Technical aspects of CRTS. Continued.
Infrastructure and interaction with other rail companies
APRA countriespractices
{{DAY 2. November, 30}}
09.30-12.30 Module 4. Organization of CRTS. Business and social aspects. Legal framework.
Organization of Commuter Systems
Organization of a Regional System. Best Practice
10.45-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-12.30 Module 4. Organization of CRTS. Business and social aspects. Legal framework. Continued.
View from a public authority in Basque country / other
View from a public authority in Moscow
APRA countries
12.30- 13.00 Module 5. HRM and CRTS
Best practices of training
13.00- 14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 Module 6. Security and Safety aspects of CRTS
Security and Safety: Comprehensive Protection
Enviromental Issues. Sustainable development.
15.15-15.45 Coffee Break
15.45-17.45 Module 7. Financing and marketing. Accessibiliy.
Financing. Public-private operations. Tenders and direct assessments.
Marketing, mobility and passenger rights
Customers and technology. The future trends in customer focused services.
Latest trends in Ticketing
Implementation of ticketing systems
17.45-18.00 Conclusions
DAY 3. December, 1
09.30-18.00 Technical and cultural visits (exact locations and timing to be confirmed).
Moscow ring rail route + City multimode hub + Commuter “section” of rail station + Meetings and interviews with managers
Metro ride and visit to Tretyakov art gallery
DAY 4. December, 2
10.00-12.00 Visit to transport exhibition and forum “Transport week Russia 2016”.
Tour of the exhibition “Transport of Russia”. (Guest hall “Kollizey” near Red Square).
12.00-13.30 Final session. Finalizing reports. Discussion with invited guests. Awarding of certificates. (Guest hall “Kollizey” near Red Square).
14.00-17.00 Cultural visit. Passing by Red Square on the route to the Kremlin. Guided Kremlin tour.
DAY 5. December, 3
Departure of the participants
Registration, Visa and Accommodation
The MIIT hotel is situated within the campus of the university at the address 2d Vysheslavtsev pereulok, d.17, about 500 m from the training session premises.
In the case of the participation of more than one representative of an APRA member organization, the cost of accommodation of each next person per night is of 3600 RUB (about USD 58).
UIC: Béatrice Ségéral: segeral at
Senior Advisor, Asia-Pacific region
MIIT: Mr. Evgeny Zarechkin : mirtr at