1 - Day 1
10.30 – 12.00 SOUNDING BOARD
To whom: All willing to participate
UIC to launch a small campaign
1.1 Welcome and introduction of the participants
On-site + virtual
1.2 Presentation of the State of play of the project
Presentation of project (again) and the different work packages
Demo of the tool as it is
State of play of the legal framework
Next steps
1.3 Willingness to participate
Presentation of the finance model
Propose to present the topic at their company
2 - Day 2 afternoon and Day 2
Day 1 Afternoon
- Discussion of the feedback from the sounding board
- Next steps on the legal framework
- Discussion and conclusion on the financial model
Day 2
- Detailed discussion of the User interface
- Detailed discussion of the workflows
- Retro planning till launch
- Dissemination activities
- Who to approach
- (Technical) developments needed
- First discussion on Categories
- …