Group Reseaux Utilisateurs (GRU) – Work Group

The GRU Group of experts works on developing and improving the standardised compendium of data that is required to be exchanged between Railway Undertakings for international rail traffic.
The Hermes messages allow reducing the number of printed documents required and faster communications. It is a key component of Train Composition messaging system, which is a priority work topic of DG Move within the Issue Log book.

  • Maintains and develops data exchange standards for the HERMES Pre-advice (pre-announce) used for all operational interchange between railway undertakings.
  • Ensures compliance with TAF-TSI train composition messaging between railway undertakings and infrastructure managers
  • Monitors sector-wide implementation for TAF-TSI compliance reporting for TCM Messaging
  • Identifies new operational and regulatory requirements for RU-IM communications

The pre-advice message is described in IRS 40404-2.



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For any further information please contact: Parinaz Bazeghi

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Wednesday 11 May 2022