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Project information
- Acronym: IMPRESS
- IMProving Railway sEcurity through awareneSS and training
- Call ID and Topic: ISF-2022-TF1-AG-PROTECT
- Grant Agreement No: 101100521
- EU Contribution: € 952 546.63
- Starting date: 1 June 2023
- Duration: 24 months
- Coordinator: UIC Security Division
Project description
IMPRESS aims at improving the protection of stations and trains by developing security training and awareness programmes for all stakeholders in rail stations and on trains.
The scope of the training includes security culture in general, with a wide range of significant threats for several European rail operators, and CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive) threats specifically, which represent a more challenging scenario.
The IMPRESS project will focus on the ‘immediate responders’ from the railway environment, or those who are most likely to be the first to prevent or react to a security incident when it occurs on railway premises. This target group of end-users includes rail staff at stations and onboard trains, security staff, staff from station shops, cleaning staff as well as other service providers.
Project objectives
- Improving the protection of trains and stations against terrorist-related threats.
- Enhancing public-private cooperation and good practices in trains and stations.
- Raising security awareness of the stakeholders working in stations and trains.
- Developing awareness and guidance materials for CBRNe threat.