Mixed Traffic HSL operations

Project information

  • Acronym: High-Speed Mix
  • Mixed Traffic HSL operations
  • Sector: Passenger departments, ICHSC
  • Project director: Marc Guigon
  • Project manager: Philippe Lorand, Paolo De Cicco
  • Status: Completed project
  • Project code: 2019/PAS/614

Project description

The project presents a comprehensive study on the feasibility and implementation of mixed traffic high-speed rail lines. It aims to analyze existing practices, challenges, and benefits of incorporating freight trains into high-speed rail networks. The study covers various aspects, including:

  • Technical considerations: Infrastructure requirements, train compatibility, operational constraints, and safety measures.
  • Economic analysis: Cost-benefit analysis, including infrastructure investments, operational costs, and potential revenue from freight transport.
  • Environmental impact: Assessment of the environmental benefits and challenges of mixed traffic, such as reduced emissions and potential noise pollution.
  • Policy implications: Recommendations for policy makers and infrastructure managers regarding the implementation and management of mixed traffic lines.

Project objectives

By analyzing various factors such as infrastructure requirements, operational constraints, economic implications, and environmental impacts, the study seeks to provide valuable insights for policymakers, infrastructure managers, and industry stakeholders. The project objectives are the following:

  • Develop guidelines for mixed traffic high-speed rail lines: The study seeks to establish a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices for designing, operating, and managing mixed traffic lines, considering technical, economic, and environmental factors.
  • Identify suitable traffic types: Determine the most appropriate types of freight traffic (e.g., intermodal, automotive) for mixed traffic lines based on their characteristics, potential benefits, and operational requirements.
  • Evaluate the impact of mixed traffic on high-speed rail networks: Assess the potential benefits and challenges of incorporating freight traffic into high-speed rail lines, including impacts on capacity, safety, efficiency, costs, and passenger services.
  • Provide case studies and lessons learned: Share insights from existing mixed traffic lines around the world to inform future projects and decision-making.
  • Develop policy recommendations: Offer recommendations for policymakers and infrastructure managers regarding the implementation and management of mixed traffic lines, including investment priorities, regulatory frameworks, and incentives for freight transport.
Mixed Traffic High Speed Lines Operations Handbook

Project members

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Wednesday 2 October 2024