The International Railway Association, UIC, will hold the 10th UIC Noise Workshop in Paris on 15 March 2016.
This event will focus on the latest issues at European level for the management of railway noise. Topics will include the recently published Staff Working Document (SWD) on rail freight noise reduction, REFIT of the Environmental Noise Directive, forth coming guidance on noise from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in addition to communication and managing relationships with residents living close to railway lines.
As with previous years, speakers will be invited to represent the major stakeholders, including UIC, CER, European Commission (DG MOV & DG ENV), WHO working groups, noise specialists from other transport sectors, experts in communication and managing relationships with residents groups in addition to representatives of residents groups.
Opportunities will be provided for participants to pose questions directly to European Commission policy officers and other key stakeholders as well as to discuss the current issues.
Confirmed speakers include;
Moderator: Jakob Oertli Chairman of the UIC Noise Expert Network & SBB
- Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General International Railway Association
- Libor Lochman, Executive Director Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies
- Ivana Juraga, Policy Officer DG Environment / Bernhard Berger Deputy Head of Unit DG Environment
- Marcin Wojcik, Policy Officer DG MOV
- Stephen Stansfeld, Queen Mary University London & Chair of the working group for the WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region
- Richard Greer, Director of Acoustics ARUP
- Patrick Malléjacq, incoming Secretary General of PIARC
- Peter Ettler, President Swiss Noise Organisation (Schweizer Lärm Liga)
- Dominique Bidou, Chairman CIDB
- Nick Craven, Sustainable Development Manager UIC
- Marina Bylinsky, Environmental Strategy & Intermodality Airports Council International
- Lene Noehr Michelsen, Danish Road Directorate and Allan Jensen, Ramboll
Registration & coffee from 08:30
Programme start at 09:00
Workshop ends at 16:00
Presentations are available here: