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Logistics & Transport corridors are drivers for economic and social development. The International Union of Railways (UIC) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarders (FIATA) are very active in supporting all stakeholders in developing these corridors.
FIATA and UIC kindly invite you to a webinar making a state of play of current development of transport and logistics corridors in the context of South a Latam America.
Inscripción en español: https://site.evenium.net/3k49cjc5/registration?loc=es
Registration in English: https://site.evenium.net/3k49cjc5/registration?loc=en
14 February 2023
10.00h – 12.15h Mexico
13.00h – 15.15h Brasil – Rio de Janeiro
17.00h – 19.15h CET
Online on Zoom. Upon registration, you will receive the link to join the meeting.
The webinar will be held in Spanish.
Interpretation will be available in English & Portuguese.
The programme is set on Mexico time.
1. Opening | 10.00 – 10.30
Cynthia Perišić Ivandić – FIATA ABIA Chair, ALOG, Chile
Welcome setting the scene of the corridor webinar
José Nicanor Villafañe – President of the UIC Latin American Region
Welcome & introduction by UIC and FIATA
François Davenne – UIC Director General
Stéphane Graber – FIATA Director General
2. Current development in Transport & logistics corridors | 10.30 – 11.00
What do freight railways in Latin America do?
Jorge Kohon – International Rail Freight Expert
What can corridors bring: testimonials from the silk road
Roel Janssens – UNECE, Secretary to the working party on Transport Trends and Economics
Exploring challenges and opportunities for corridor development in the LATAM region
Miryam Saade Hazin – Officer in Charge, Infrastructure Services and Logistics Unit, UNECLAC
3. Corridor development from a policy perspective | 11.00 – 11.20
Developments in Brazil from a Rail & Road perspective
Fernando Paes, Executive Director ANTF (National Association of Rail Operators)
The role of multimodal transport and corridors from an Argentinian perspective
Agustin Special – Deputy Secretary of Rail Transport of Argentina
4. Business insights in Corridor development | 11.20 – 12.00
Panel discussion on Rail Corridors Regional Transport perspective: Chile insights
Jonhson Ahumada – Commercial Manager, Fepasa
Cristobal Montecino – Commercial Manager and Corporate Business – EFE
East-West integration corridor in Brazil, connecting Porto Santo
Carsten Puls – Executive Director LATAM, DB Engineering & Consulting
Port connectivity and corridor development: the port of Panama
Eduardo E. Lugo – Advisory Expert – Maritime & logistics consulting group
5. Conclusion | 12.00 – 12.15
Conclusion & next steps
Replay the webinar
Inscripción en español: https://site.evenium.net/3k49cjc5/registration?loc=es
Registration in English: https://site.evenium.net/3k49cjc5/registration?loc=en
For more information on the event, please contact:
- Philip Van den bosch, UIC, at vandenbosch at uic.org
- or Ole Hagen, NHO, at olea.hagen at nholt.no