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Agenda & Links to Documents
Room 203 (2nd floor)
- 9h30
Welcome coffee
- 9h45
Welcome & General Introduction
Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux - Director General of UIC
- 9h55
ClimateSeed platform and Verified Emission Reduction [1]
Mr Sebastien Nunes - Venture catalyst – BNP Paribas
Mr Vincent Loubinoux - Venture catalyst – BNP Paribas
- 10h25
Extra-financial rating and access to green financing [2]
Ms Laurie Chesné - Head of Sustainable Bonds Services–Vigeo Eiris
- 10h55
Issuing Green Bonds [3]
Mr Guillaume HINTZY - Finance and treasury Director - SNCF
- 11h15
Issuing Green Bonds [4]
Ms Vittoria IEZZI - Head of Debt market - FS
- 11h40
Coffee break
- 11h55
The opportunities for EcoScoring in PPPs [5]
Ms Doris CHEVALIER Founder & CEO of INFRABOOST consulting
- 12h25
Ongoing – Policy and External costs of transports [6]
Mr Huib VAN ESSEN - Transport unit manager - CE Delft
- 12h55
Conclusion and directions
- 13h15 Lunch
Invitation & Detailed Agenda (pdf)
center- PDF - 783.8 kb
On 12 November 2018, UIC hosted at its headquarters in Paris (16, rue Jean Rey) a meeting dedicated to the launching of the Eco Scoring project.
Following our presentation approved during the previous General Assembly in Madrid and several interesting discussions, it appeared that this concept can cover different shapes, scopes and realities.
A web-conference service was available for distant attendees, to facilitate information exchange, gain time and reduce attendees’ transport footprint.
These purposes can be gradual and complementary, aiming to :
- Raise funds from banking institutions,
- Raise awareness on the sustainability of railway transport among governmental bodies,
- Raise subsidies,
- Better communicate on CSR actions to customers, considering CSR as a competitive advantage,
- Give more widely a positive image of railway companies to Society.
According to the purposes preferred, various solutions can be developed by UIC, by the railways involved in our Eco scoring project, for the benefit of the whole railway operating sector:
- Share methods in order to better access to green bonds,
- Develop a guideline (IRS) to better answer to financial rating agencies or to Socially Responsible Investments funds, and attract investors,
- Tools to invest in green projects and have access to carbon compensation,
- Better highlight the reality of costs by supporting internalisation of external costs among every mode of transport,
- Strengthen our common energy and CO2 database (that could be dedicated to a wider range of environmental and social criteria) and better report yearly on our results.
In order to better understand what members are looking for, questions and discussions sessions after each topic, and in the end of the meeting were planned.
It will be the occasion to present solutions from both speakers and participants, to decide how UIC can proceed.
You can find the detailed agenda in the invitation brochure of the meeting on top of the page.
Do not hesitate to contact if you have questions.