TopRail Tourist-Friendly Awards

TopRail Initiative

TopRail (Tourism Opportunities for Railways) is an initiative by the International Union of Railways (UIC) that promotes and develops rail tourism worldwide. It aims to position rail transport as a sustainable, comfortable, and attractive option for tourists, fostering cooperation among railway operators, tourism boards, and stakeholders.

TopRail’s objectives include:

  • Encouraging railway companies to improve their tourism-related services.
  • Highlighting rail travel as an essential part of the tourism experience.
  • Supporting best practices and innovative tourism products in the railway sector.
  • TopRail organises events, discussions, and projects, including the TopRail Awards, to recognize excellence in railway tourism services and infrastructure.

See more information about TopRail Initiative here.

Classification and Categorisation system for Tourist-friendly Railway Services and Experiences

The Classification and Categorisation system developed within the TopRail sector serves as a framework to assess railway services and infrastructure based on their suitability for tourism. It defines key elements of the passenger journey and outlines the criteria for the TopRail Awards.
The system organises the elements of a rail tourism experience into separate, distinct components, which are then separately assessed, ensuring a structured approach to evaluation. It also provides checklists and scoring methods to assess the quality and impact of each service or infrastructure component.

See more information here.

Tourist-Friendly Railway Services and Experiences Awards

What are the TopRail Tourist-Friendly Awards?

The awards seek to recognise and elevate efforts by rail operators that enhance the experience of rail tourists by creating services and infrastructures that are user-friendly, innovative, and aligned with sustainable tourism practices.

Who can participate?

The awards are open to UIC members. Companies can submit one application for each category.

What are the categories?

Since the tourist experience consists of multiple interdependent elements, the evaluation process takes a holistic approach. However, for clarity, the experience is segmented into six key categories that will be able to measure using T-F categorisation system plus one global category for “Best Rail Tourism Initiative or Product.”

The categories are:

  • Tourist-friendly rolling stock, service and on-board experience Short Distance (journeys up to 2.5 hours)
  • Tourist-friendly rolling stock, service and on-board experience Long Distance (journeys over 2.5 hours).
  • Tourist-friendly railway Line
  • Tourist-friendly small railway stations
  • Tourist-friendly large/main railway station
  • Tourist-friendly railway station Lounge
  • Best Rail Tourism Initiative or Product

How to Apply?

Click on each category to read the description. If your proposal fit the general criteria, click on the corresponding button under the description to go to the application form. Read carefully the instructions and keep in mind that the forms allow you to enclose links to pictures, videos, social media, etc., that can support your nomination.

Submission forms:

Tourist-Friendly rolling stock, service and on-board experience

This award recognises coaches and/or trains that enhance the travel experience with innovative services and experiences on board. From panoramic windows and comfortable seating to accessible facilities and onboard amenities, this category celebrates designs that make rail journeys unforgettable. Whether through heritage restorations, sustainable solutions, or modern features, nominees in this category exemplify how rolling stock and on board services can elevate rail tourism worldwide.

Application form for Tourist-friendly short-distance (up to 2.5-hour journeys) rolling stock

Application form for Tourist-friendly long-distance (over 2.5-hour journeys) rolling stock

Tourist-friendly Railway Lines

This award recognises the vision and effort of companies that reimagine their rail routes, showcasing their tourist potential and creating added value for leisure travellers.

Nominees in this category seamlessly combine functionality with breathtaking landscapes, remarkable cultural heritage, and/or unique local experiences along the route. Whether by providing access to iconic attractions or implementing innovative strategies to highlight the tourist value of their regions, and make their tourist attractions more accessible, these railway lines go the extra mile to captivate travellers.

A tourist-friendly railway line reflects thoughtful planning - such as well-coordinated timetables, convenient stops, and engaging communication of the route’s attractions. These efforts enhance the travel experience and invite passengers to discover the charm of their destinations in a way only rail travel can deliver.

This category honours railway lines that inspire tourists to explore the world by train, celebrating the creativity and dedication that turns a rail journey into a destination in itself.

Submit Application for tourist-friendly rail lines

Tourist-Friendly Railway Stations

This award recognises rail stations that go above and beyond to create seamless, hassle-free experiences for travellers. A tourist-friendly station isn’t just a transit hub for commuters—it’s a gateway to exploration, offering services and facilities that cater to one-time visitors’ needs while showcasing local culture and hospitality.

Nominees in this category excel in accessibility, clear signage, and seamless connections, making journeys smoother and more enjoyable. From welcoming architecture and sustainable design to unique amenities like cultural displays, local cuisine, or tailored travel information, these stations enrich the travel experience and leave a lasting impression.

Whether nestled in bustling cities or scenic rural areas, railway stations play a key role in making rail travel memorable, fostering a sense of place, and encouraging tourism. Large stations serve as major transit hubs, connecting long-distance, regional, and international travellers, while small stations are vital links for local and regional traffic, often providing access to hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Both types of stations contribute uniquely to enhancing the rail travel experience.

Submit Application for tourist-friendly small rail stations

Submit Application for tourist-friendly large rail stations

Tourist-Friendly Railway Station Lounge

This award highlights exceptional railway station lounges that redefine comfort and convenience for travellers. A tourist-friendly lounge provides more than a waiting area—it offers a welcoming retreat where passengers can relax, recharge, and plan their journeys.

Nominees in this category excel in creating an inviting atmosphere through thoughtful design, premium amenities, and seamless services. From comfortable seating and local culinary offerings to accessible facilities and digital conveniences like Wi-Fi and charging stations, these lounges set a new standard for traveller satisfaction.

Whether tailored for luxury, family needs, or cultural immersion, these spaces reflect the railway’s commitment to enhancing the overall travel experience, turning a stop into a memorable part of the journey.

Submit Application for tourist-friendly rail station lounge

Global category: best rail tourist product or initiative

The Global category looks to highlight initiatives and tourist products that contribute to enhance the tourist traveller experience and create awareness of rail tourism as the preferred way of exploring destinations.

This award celebrates outstanding achievements that create unforgettable experiences and transform the way travellers experience rail journeys. It recognizes initiatives and products that go beyond traditional offerings. Whether it’s a groundbreaking innovation, an immersive cultural offering, or an exceptional service enhancement, this category honours efforts that elevate rail travel into a memorable and meaningful adventure.

Nominees in this category stand out for their creativity, customer-centric approach, and commitment to excellence. From unique travel experiences, inspiring partnerships, immersive experiences, to initiatives that improve accessibility, sustainability, inclusion or service quality, the “Best Rail Tourism Product or Initiative” award highlights projects that elevate rail tourism and makes it more attractive for global audiences, setting new benchmarks for the industry.

Application for best rail tourism product or initiative

How do we judge?

The panel will review replies to the check list, which assesses how rail operators take tourist’s needs into account through thoughtful adaptions and/or innovative solutions that improve comfort, convenience and accessibility through on-board service, enhancing the experience and elevating rail tourism as a memorable way to explore a destination.

Nominations must comply with all of standard requirements and at least half of the excellence requirements. Links to pictures, video, social media posts, websites or other documents can be added to each box to support the nomination.

In case of a tie-in, the panel will take into account other evidence submitted in the Optional section of the application form.

Please read carefully and fill in the information required in each section.

Judging Process and Evaluation Criteria:

The TopRail Awards aim to highlight and celebrate outstanding contributions to rail tourism, reinforcing the role of trains as a key component of sustainable and memorable travel experiences.

First Round
For categories 1-6, the evaluation follows a checklist-based approach, ensuring that candidates meet a predefined excellence threshold.

For category 7, criteria are determined based on specific tourism impact factors.

Selection Process
The UIC conducts an initial review based on the established criteria.

Shortlisted candidates are forwarded to the jury.

No more than 2-3 finalists per category are selected. There will be at least one finalist in each category, leading to a total of 5-10 finalists.

Second Round
Finalists will present a 10 min pitch before the jury.

Additional aspects evaluated in this round include:

  • Impact (contribution to tourism and sustainability)
  • Clarity (effectiveness of the project’s presentation and implementation)

For the Tourist-friendly categories, the jury will check that submissions comply with the requirements for the Excellence tourist-friendly category, as indicated in each form.

  • In case of a tie-in, evidence of innovation, environmental sustainability, cooperation & partnerships and inclusion will be taken into account. (See forms for detailed criteria)
  • For the Global category, the jury will examine evidence supporting the contribution of the initiative or product to the wider impact of rail tourism, assessing innovation, environmental sustainability, cooperation & partnerships and inclusion in each nomination. (See form for detailed criteria and weight)

Application Deadline: All projects/initiatives must be submitted by 1 May 2025

Presentation Ceremony: 8 July 2025, High Speed Congress, Beijing

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Thursday 6 March 2025