High-Speed Data and Atlas

High-speed Data

UIC generate databases unique in the world that provides an overview of the high-speed reality regarding: lines, rolling stock, traffic and maps. Autodesk AutoCAD lt 2017 (https://abcoemstore.com/product/autodesk-autocad-lt-2017/) - helps you to construct stunning designs and improve collaboration with innovative productivity tools in AutoCAD 2017 software.

  • High-speed lines with the corresponding characteristics ; an atlas of the high-speed network is based on this database and provides a good location of these lines
  • List of high-speed rolling stock owned by the high speed operators across the world.
  • High-Speed traffic information Worldwide
High-speed Lines
High-speed Rolling Stock
High-speed Traffic

Atlas, High-Speed Rail 2023

Each year UIC produces an atlas providing an overview of high-speed lines in the world: those in commercial operation, under construction, currently under development, and planned in the medium or long term. The UIC High-Speed Rail Atlas is a unique document that provides very detailed information about all high-speed lines around the world, supplied and reviewed by UIC members.

Atlas - High-Speed Rail 2023
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Wednesday 2 November 2016