International Freight Corridor - UIC Freight & RAME Webinar

Corridors: a tool to boost international freight - Videoconference - 14 October 2020

RAME and UIC meet during a virtual seminar to discuss international corridor operations

The Regional Assembly Middle East of UIC and the UIC freight Division will discuss opportunities and challenges of a corridor approach to boost long distance/transcontinental freight development. It is the subject of a virtual seminar which will be held on October 14th from 9.00 till 12.00 o’clock Paris time. The seminar is open to all interested people and can be joined via the web meeting. When participating you can expect to meet high level representatives of different Middle-East and European Rail Operators.

In the first part of the morning UNECE and the World Customs Organisation will engage on the concept and added value of a corridor structure and corridor management to foster operational interoperability and boost transcontinental freight.

An insight into EU regulation and how the European Rail Freight Corridors can contribute to driving modal shift will be provided by Joost Overdijkink from UIC whilst a concrete business example of a carrier operating globally will be given by Rafi Papo from the Austrian company Rail Cargo Group.

The second part of the event will focus more specifically on ways to improve borders crossings and how to reduce waiting times. Sven Seligmann from Deutsche Bahn Cargo will report on a topical European use case showing how the harmonisation of braking regimes across countries has a direct impact on capacity availability and quality of service, whilst Ekaterina Kozyreva from IEC consulting will provide additional insight on corridor development through the angle of digitalisation .

With this vivid seminar RAME and UIC Freight will leave ample opportunity to the participants to raise questions and to enter into discussion with their counterparts.

The teams are looking forward to welcoming you on 14 October and invite you to register below.



Teams visio conference


9:00 - 12:00 (Paris time)


Rame and UIC Freight

Target groups

RAME Members – UIC Freight Forum Members – APRA Members – UIC partners in corridor development






09:00 - 09:15
Welcome by RAME
Welcome by UIC

09:15 - 10:45 Success factors for international rail corridors

Work of RAME and presentation by TCDD and RAI

Implementing corridor management: bringing together all stakeholders

  • Implementing transit guidelines to support logistics along corridors (Satoko Kagawa, WCO tbc)
  • UNECE transcontinental initiatives (Roel Janssens, UNECE Transport Division)
  • “Fostering an international approach to support freight in Europe (Joost Ovedijkink, Senior Advisor UIC, Rafi Papo, RCG )

Main conclusions and next steps for a stronger multi regional cooperation


11:00 - 12:00 Improvement of border crossings and reducing stops at borders

  • Operational measures: use case on braking harmonisation (Sven Seligmann, DB Cargo)
  • Digitalisation tool to support border crossing and smooth operation (Ekaterina Kozyreva, IEC Intl)

Regional developments

Mr. Hasanein , Director General of Syrian Hejaz Railway
Mr. Talib Javad Kadhim, Director-General of Iraqi Railways



Paulo de Freitas, UIC,


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Wednesday 7 October 2020