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General context
Railway stations are usually considered from three perspectives: customer access to trains, business opportunities due to a high concentration of people every day, and interaction with the city and other transport modes.
Every two years, the nextstation conference gathers professionals, local authorities, researchers and other relevant stakeholders from around the world.
UIC nextstation Conference 2022
In light of the on-going world health situation, UIC took the decision to postpone the 2021 UIC nextstation Conference to October 2022.
Last conference
Following the success of the first six events held in Rome, Paris, Brussels, Moscow, Marrakech and Madrid, the 2019 event was organised by Iranian Railways. This 7th conference focused on how railways stations could boost cities.
Over two days, more than 250 participants and 50 speakers exchanged ideas on the way train stations could positively impact the city. The programme covered station design, sustainable development, smart solutions, services and commercial activities, station management and financing, safety, security, mobility, accessibility, and door-to-door solutions.
Previous conferences
Visit previous conference pages for further information: