eTCD price catalogue proposal
eTCD Agreement of Use
eCTD GDPR Agreement
For more information please contact: David Sarfatti
eTCD, electronic Ticket Control Database, is a centralised, real-time passenger ticket management system developed by UIC with the support of Hit Rail B.V., for use by railway companies around the world. The service is defined by UIC IRS 90918-4, the common specification for the exchange of control information on railway tickets between ticket issuers and passenger carriers.
What does eTCD offer?
The service helps railway companies to control non-reservation barcode ticket information onboard trains for all rail travel. Information is exchanged in real-time between ticket issuers and passenger carriers.
This means:
Thanks to eTCD, ticket security and fraud prevention is increased with real-time exchange of information on:
In addition, the eTCD service also communicates information on the extension of validity, delay confirmation, declaration of non-used tickets, class upgrades and downgrades as well as ticket gate checks.
eTCD Deployment
Since January 2025, eTCD service is available for any sector company including non UIC members.
eTCD Agreement of Use
eCTD GDPR Agreement
For more information please contact: David Sarfatti