UIC Label
Braking components
List of magnetic brake elements approved for use in international traffic
Diesel Engines
Acceptance tests for diesel engines (IRS 60623-1 and IRS 60623-2)
Since the beginning of ORE in 1950, acceptance tests for diesel engines used as railway traction engines have been an important service provided to the railway community.
With the growth of electrification on the European railways, diesel traction became gradually less important from the 1970’s.
Due to the limited market, no diesel engine is designed as a purpose-built railway engine. A report stating that an engine has successfully passed the tests according to UIC Leaflet 623-1 and 623-2 is the only guarantee for the user that the engine is able to meet the specific railway requirements and emission limits.
UIC SET_12 “Diesel engines” ensures the supervision of the entire test procedure and the issue of the relevant test report.
In September 2019, according to UIC strategy, UIC Leaflets 623-1 (7th edition dated February 2017) and 623-2 (8th edition dated February 2017) were respectively migrated, without any changes, into IRS 60623-1 and 60623-2.
Appendix D of IRS 60623-1 lists diesel engines which have successfully passed the UIC approval procedure, therefore proving that they can comply with specific railway applications.
Diesel engines which have already successfully passed the UIC test procedure according to UIC Leaflets 623-1 and 623-2 before the publication of IRS 60623-1 and 60623-2 are still part of the list.
Emission control of diesel engines (IRS 60624)
Heightened environmental awareness in the late 1980’s inspired the railways to deal with the exhaust gas emission behaviour of engines used for railway traction and to define future limits for the generation of pollutants.
In a time of increased environmental awareness, the railways do not want to lose their reputation as an environmentally-friendly mode of transport. Compliance with ever-decreasing exhaust gas emission limits is increasingly significant for railway vehicles driven by combustion engines.
To avoid the necessity to perform a full approval procedure against the series Leaflet 623 to demonstrate an engine’s capability to comply with emission limits, a separate Leaflet (624) was created in 2000 containing only a control procedure of the pollutant emission of the engine together with the determination of the power and torque curves and fuel consumption. This Leaflet was mandatory for all engines to be used as traction engines in new rolling stock or as a replacement in existing vehicles.
UIC SET_12 “Diesel engines” ensures the supervision of the entire test procedure and the issue of the relevant test report.
In September 2019, according to UIC strategy, UIC Leaflet 624 (5th edition dated February 2017) was migrated, without any changes, into IRS 60624.
Appendix F of IRS 60624 lists diesel engines which have successfully passed the UIC emission test procedure.
Diesel engines which have already successfully passed the UIC test procedure according to UIC Leaflets 624 before the publication of IRS 60624 are still part of the list.
Running gear
Adeline Bouvresse
Senior advisor - Rolling Stock and Brake
bouvresse at uic.org